⛓️Chainlink Proof of Reserve

The Coorest smart contract uses Floodlight nodes to query biomass data. This data acts as proof of reserve for minting $CCO2 tokens. Monthly geospatial snapshots are used to calculate and track the biomass of all onboarded projects under the Coorest Carbon Standard ensuring the backing of $CCO2 tokens. If a negative change in biomass outside of the normal seasonal biomass bandwidth is detected, a $CCO2 token mintlock is activated. This mechanism ensures verifiable off-chain data is brought on-chain and will prevent the dilution of high-quality $CCO2 token offsets.

Floodlight Chainlink node address on Polygon: https://polygonscan.com/address/0xD1A55d21d0e75cd91da578e1e82994b61a73ddd2

TrueCoorest smart contract on Polygon: https://polygonscan.com/address/0xcC04B2363B514F07Da08DDef1b43b1222B921719#code

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