Methodology description

Projects need to fulfill several requirements in order to be eligible to receive carbon tokens. Firstly, a project needs to provide data on their project activities, area and carbon reduction. These data need to follow our standardized method as described by Coorest. Coorest aims to make this process as transparent as possible by providing report templates, data collection instructions and excel sheets that allow easy and cheap reporting.

Before a project starts their application they should consider the following basic requirements:

  • A project site cannot be deforested within the last 5 years prior to the project start. This will be checked by Coorest using historic satellite data.

  • Reforestation can only be done using the original vegetation type. An area that was historically broadleaf forest (deciduous) cannot be reforested with pine trees (coniferous forest).

  • Agroforestry and orchards projects can only use non-invasive species. Exotic non-invasive species are allowed but where possible native species are prefered.

  • Projects need to demonstrate additionality. This means that it needs to be demonstrated that the activities would not have happened anyway if the project would not receive carbon tokens. For example, if government regulations require certain activities, these activities would also happen without carbon tokens. This project therefore does not qualify as additional.

  • A project cannot receive carbon credits from other institutes such as Verra or Gold Standard. This is done in order to avoid double counting. Coorest will check this in the various registries.

Last updated